Friday, April 3, 2015


Tonight, God gently spoke to me. He said, “I miss you child, can we have a short chat?” and because my heart is filled with thanksgiving for all the wonderful things He has been faithfully blessing me with, I beamed at Him and said, “Of course God.”

So I opened my pink book and I was taken aback when I saw there that, four full days had passed and I didn’t get to do my devotion and my heart aches and I started to tear. It aches because I realized that while I was so unfaithful with the simple little things God asked of me, He remains constant and faithful in delivering all the BIG THINGS I have ruthlessly asked Him for during our fasting week two weeks ago (which I have been also unfaithful.) I tear because God’s love for me remains true, unchanging, unwavering no matter what I have become.

Tonight, I read the Book of John where Jesus was sentenced to be crucified. I may say that I have read this chapter for so many times already but every time I would read it, I will always get too overwhelmed by the weight of the crucifixion. It is difficult to let my imagination follow that story – the betrayal, the trials, the denial, the flogging, the mockery, the agony of death and the grief of those who loved Jesus.

And while I tear as I read through those heavy passages tonight, God gently spoke and asked,

“Abby My child, would you allow Me to take you there?”

and I struggled. It’s obscene, it is ugly and the Cross is an offense and I don’t want to see because I know and I know, At The Cross, I will see the consequences of ALL my sins, it is grotesque, it is scandalous, it is ugly, but I also know that it is an ugliness I needed to see and so I trusted God and gave Him my hard “YES.”

At the Foot of the Cross

Standing there at the foot of the cross I saw myself weeping, gazing at my beautiful Saviour: the Ruler and Creator of all deemed guilty by those He created – guilty of sins that were never His. And then God took me few more hours back and brought me to the place where Pilate took Jesus and had Him flogged. It was gruesome, it’s horrifying, it’s inhumane and I shut my eyes to the TRUTH, I couldn't look! The whipping was without mercy. Those stripes were real it almost feels. I wanted it all to end, I want out, I couldn't take it anymore and then Pilate took Jesus out. To His people He said “Here’s your king.” but everyone shouted, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” And in a flash I heard a girl’s voice shouting vigorously...


Her voice was so familiar to me that even the crowd was deafening I can vividly hear her voice. My heart started to beat faster and faster. “I know that voice.” I told myself and I looked around trying to find who that girl was and I couldn't believe what I saw… it was I, the girl was me and I saw Jesus looks at me. This is hard to swallow and I asked myself, “How can this be?” and I wept bitterly while they dragged My King to carry the cross that was never His to carry but mine. I ran toward Him: beaten and wounded and with every gut left in me I plead...

"You don't have to do this, please... I am so sorry!"

and My King replied...

"It's OKAY Abby, it's okay... because I'm doing this for you."

and He went on taking with Him not just the cross but also my wrecked, lamenting broken heart and I followed. Helpless before my King I watched him suffer, bearing all my sins and enduring everything I deserved: the persecution, the mocking, the spitting, the nailing, and the abandoning.

At the foot of the cross where Jesus was hanging. I was devastated, I hated myself. I started to beat myself up, calling myself names of shame and regrets and then I heard Jesus gently spoke…  

“Father, forgive [Abby}, for [she]  do not know what [she’s] doing.” 
(Luke 23:34) My own version

and then Jesus looked me in the eyes... 

“Woman behold your [daughters]… (I looked around and saw my disciples beside me.) and to my disciples He said, “Behold your mother.” 
(John 19:26-27) My own version

Even in His moment of greatest suffering, Jesus is still shepherding.
He bore all my ugliness; He did so because He loves me and He died for me; a sinner, a leper at His feet, a plank-eyed saint and a heart divided because He is good and His love endures forever.
And there I saw Jesus bowed His head and gave up His spirit after He has spoken,


And right there and there I knew I was loved and that all my sins were forgiven but the best part of it all is when God sealed our conversation with a gentle reminder,

“[Abby] My Child, if anyone is in Christ, [s]he is a new creation. 
The old [Abby] has passed away, behold, the new [Abby] has come.” 
2 Corinthians 5:17 My own Version

I have received the most STUNNING GIFT one could ever have: 


Sharing you this song that ministered to me while writing this blog:
I hope you get blessed as much as it did with me.


I'm forgiven cause You were forsaken
I'm accepted, You were condemned
I am alive and well, Your spirit is within me
'Cause You died and rose again

Amazing love, how can it be?
That You, my King would die for me?
Amazing love, I know its true
It's my joy to honor You
In all I do, I honor You


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