Friday, December 12, 2014

A Prayer Warrior Named Abby Gyll Borja

There are some mornings that with all honesty I do not want to do my devotion, not because I do not want to but sometimes I'm just too tired and so wanted to rest and sometimes too loaded with work to accomplished and this morning is one of those.
But my gentle God never fails to remind me...
"Abby my daughter, you can no longer afford NOT to pray. Not now that you are:

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This life is no longer about you Abby. There are people I put in your care. They covet your prayers." - GOD

And many times I would tear... How these gentle reminders would pierce my selfish heart and make me think of these wonderful people that God put into my care. They need me, they need me to pray for them and I realized I couldn't get tired, I couldn't stop and more than anything I couldn't afford not to PRAY anymore because these are precious SOULS which Jesus Christ died for. That this life of mine has a great calling that only the grace of God can fulfill.

And what is even mind-blowing is that God said,
"and we are just starting Abby..."

For in Luke 12:48 says,
"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; 
and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked."

So this morning, I shook myself off, forced myself to open the bible and hold my pen to read and write a few verse and right there my Father in Heaven meet me where I am: lazy, sleepy, grumpy Abby. He didn't wait for me to be in full passion reading His word. He understands and He still lovingly excitedly pour His presence on me and indeed He is the giver and the finisher of our faith. He will walk us through and make sure by the time our end will come these words will come out from His mouth.

"Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; 
I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!"

Abba Father, help me to become faithful in every thing that you have put into my care. Give me the grace to lead and govern these people of yours with wisdom and fear of You. For I know that I am so small, but You are big. I am weak but You are strong. Help me Father in Jesus Name Amen.

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