Wednesday, December 23, 2015


NOSTALGIA. This place gave me so much to remember. It was in year 2010 when I first set foot on this serene , beautiful humble resort. Definitely not much yet to do but the place absolutely enraptured the extrovert in me. I knew back then that this place will be something I will look forward coming back to.
The phone rings. "HELLO."
"Hey Abby, we would like to get you as our host for an ALL WHITE PARTY at Matabungkay Beach Hotel."
Wow! Just wow! Matabungkay Beach Hotel is famed to be an exorbitant Beach Resort located in Lian, Batangas and I get to stay there for three full days for free and the best part of it all is that I'll get paid to host a party. It's an absolute workation! [the word people use when they get to travel for vacation and work at the same time.]
Fourth of December 2015 when I was reunited with the piece of my heart I left  five years ago in Matabungkay Beach Hotel and once I arrived I felt like I always belonged. I felt home, the place is haven, my heart found it and I can say it's finally whole again.
Sparkling, glimmering decors and glass balls hang around the front porch wreathed in glittery white with it's warm earth toned perfectly framed furnitures. At the counter are crews wearing the kindest smiles, in their cute uniforms devotedly serving and leading guests. I sniffed the breeze as it tossed my hair from my face and walk down the serene dimmed hallway. My room was regal, it's anything but basic, they called it, 'LIAN SUITE.' I threw myself on bed and stared at the flawlessly laid out interior, it is simple, neat and sophisticated. I thought of how it feels to have a room like this back in Manila or maybe just maybe have to chance to never have to leave Matabungkay Beach Hotel again. 



It was four in the afternoon, perfect time for a quick dip on the pool. They are now two, the lonely kiddie pool before has now it's big sister. They are both beautiful, certainly for family, friends, couples and yes even for flying solo too.  Thanks to the propinquity of an especially picturesque beach, maybe the water is not too blue, not too majestic and the sands are not too white, not too fine but just right for a weary soul who wants to find peace and tranquility. 
Matabungkay Beach Resort MAIN POOL

It's newly and highly improved and innovated facilities: activity centers, conference and seminar rooms make Matabungkay Beach Hotel the ultimate place for whatever purposes. Whether it be for company team building (which was the first reason why I was in Matabungkay Beach Hotel five years ago), product launching, debut, wedding, family getaway or even a quick escape for an anxious spirit, this is the best 3-hour drive haven for you. 

So yes, Gravitas Events Management found it's perfect place to hold the ALL WHITE PARTY (please like their FB page: Gravitas Events Management) with guest DJs: Jennifer Lee and Khai hosted by yours truly, Abby Borja (please follow me in Instagram and in Twitter: @abbyborja07 and in FB: Abby Borja
DJ Jennifer Lee and Host Abby Borja

The All White Party was Gravitas Events Management's debut event in Partnership with Matabungkay Beach Hotel and sponsored by, DJ Pioneer DJ, Ground Zero Lights and Sounds. Cold Collection opened the event with their rendition of pop songs, they are local band singer from Batangas. Bloggers from around the Metro gathered to party with us, locals and many foreigner guests joined us too. It was a success, infact one of the foreigner told me:
"How come it's just now that Matabungkay Beach Hotel hold this kind of epic party? By the way, great job hosting. Your job wasn't easy!"

I was thrilled and truly overwhelmed. Sooner or later, Matabungkay Beach Hotel will be The Boracay of the Metro wherein you don't need to spend thousands and thousands of pesos for air fare and hotel accommodation just to party by the beach! So the next time Matabungkay Beach Hotel present a party be sure to be there! It's fun, it's epic because it's MATABUNGKAY BEACH HOTEL AND RESORT.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


After the Shunamite conference which I attended last year of November, I stood on the pulpit testifying about God’s goodness but I remember there is one thing I mentioned that all throughout the year of 2013, the year before that and up until this year I have been genuinely hearing myself shouting for FREEDOM. For years I have been shouting for FREEDOM and I don’t understand why. I asked myself FREEDOM from WHO, (Is there anyone from the past that I have not yet forgiven or I haven’t ask forgiveness from? But I couldn’t think of anyone.) then I thought probably from SOMETHING? (addiction? Past hurt? I couldn’t think of anything either.) For years, I would shout for freedom from which that is not known to me.

Every time I would be in a congregation where the Pastors would ask us to shout anything we want to happen in our lives I would always think of CARS because I am sick of commuting, HOUSE AND LOT because I am tired working and working so I can pay my rent or FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGH so I could put an end to this everyday work that seems to suck every ounce of joy in me but always, ALWAYS I would end up shouting FREEEEEEDDDDDOOOOOMMMM. I guess, maybe, just maybe, that is what I REALLY wanted all along. For the bible tells us, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” – Luke 6:45


For years I don’t understand because for years I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I WANT. Until a friend lends me a book and I learned the PRAYER OF ANYTHING. Prayer of anything is a prayer for whatever God wants for my life. Laying my hands open to whatever He will give and yes even for whatever He will take. A life fully surrendered and fully abandoned to an invisible God who hold the universe to His hand. To RISK EVERYTHING and to willingly place my life in the hand of an unseen God and an unknown future.1


I saw too many Christians living a life full of BONDAGE and I saw that life of bondage in my own life. I was technically free but living a life that wasn’t. For a very long time I became a PRISONER of myself. I was in bondage because of my FEARS. Fear to go back where God picked me up; POVERTY and so I enslaved myself to work AS HARD AS I CAN so I will never LACK once again. I FEAR of NOT fulfilling my dreams: those cars, those house and lots, those savings account, those jewelries, those expensive gadgets and appliances and so I stripped myself of all the joy and pushed myself to even go further from doing everything I can to achieve all THESE THINGS THAT THE WORLD THINK IS IMPORTANT. I fear of not being ENOUGH and so I chased these worldly things: money, fame, power, beauty, position so people would somehow approve of me.

But one day I got TIRED, I saw myself miserable, unhappy, crying, whining about years of chasing things that WERE SUPPOSED TO WORK FOR ME, that were supposed TO MAKE ME HAPPY, that God was supposed to do for me. I ached and that ache was actually God’s mercy showing me that everything I LOVE OTHER THAN HIM was never going to work. IT WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO WORK.2 All these are meaningless, all these are just merely chasing after the wind.

“I was waiting, Abby, calling you. I was waiting for you to see that while you wanted me all these years, 
you had another master. Your heart was divided. You love something else more and I will not share my glory. 
I had to become your ONE THING… your ONLY thing.”3 - God

What is your ANYTHING?

It’s funny sometimes how God finds His way to our hearts. And He did make His way to my heart through this book. While reading the book He revealed to me how He was a PLASTIC GOD FOR ME. A plastic God whom I fit in a small crevice of the life THAT I WANT. The life that I am planning to have. 4

Just when I thought I had an intimate genuine relationship with Him while I am being faithful with my devotion and prayer time He revealed to me how FAR I am from the truth.

He said:
“Repent [Abby], you are not good, you are not okay. Come back to me. You need me.” – John 8:11

Too many Christians think they are okay, I thought I am because I loved Jesus Christ, I adore and sang praises to Him every Sunday morning. But I realized I have admired and worshipped Jesus without doing what He did. And I have questioned myself, have I really worshipped Him in spirit and truth? Oh well I guess not, because the bible said that we become what we worship and if I TRULY DID, I would have been out there winning the lost and making disciple. Fully abandoned, fully surrendered… JUST LIKE HIM.

But how can I abandon this colourful life I am building and to fully surrender EVERYTHING to a PLASTIC GOD? I needed God to be REAL before I can trust Him, especially with EVERYTHING.

But how can you make something like GOD real? How can you trust EVERYTHING in an invisible God? How can someone know GOD as REAL as HE EVER WAS?

Prayer? Studying scripture? Going to church? Worship? Experience? Suffering? Confession? Community and the list can go on and on…

But the book taught me that very obvious that each of these is unpredictable… many people who study the bible never find God. Many people who go to church never really know Him. The ONLY exercise that works 100% of the time to draw one close to the REAL GOD is RISK. To risk is to willingly place our lives in the hand of an unseen God and an unknown future, then to watch Him come through. That is when He gets real when we start living like that.
Because ONLY when we experienced God’s faithfulness is the only time when HIS STORY becomes real to you and me, and when a story gets real, IT DOES SOMETHING INSIDE US.5

I’ve heard a Pastor once said, 
“There are so many things that you will never learn about God until you SURRENDER.”

And so I did… I quit my life. RISK IT ALL… SURRENDERED EVERYTHING. I let go of my dreams, my fears, my EVERYTHING to a God who cares, who is abounding in love and delighted to see His children happy and I have prayed for a heart that is committed to do ANYTHING its giver asks. To lay my hands open to whatever He gives and whatever He takes. To give thanks in the midst of pain, death, debt and crushed dreams.

This, all these, gave me the FREEDOM that my heart longs to have, a freedom from the wrong mindset, a freedom from the world’s standard, a FREEDOM FROM MYSELF. I never realized how liberating it would be to pray for ANYTHING God wants for me. He set me FREE, from what I think I want, from what I think I desire, from my self-imposed standards, from my selfish ambitions and vain conceit. He sets me free and gives me what He truly desires for me; a BLESSED LIFE, a life that is may or may not be wealthy by the world’s standards, but a life that enjoys every moment of the day, grateful and happy whether hands full or hand’s empty, a quality of life that most millionaires would envy.

And so I come up with a conclusion:
Knowing God, the truest God that He is REDEEMS US.

1. To recover ownership of by paying a specified sum.
2. To pay off
3. To turn in and receive something in EXCHANGE.
4. To fulfil, to FINISH.
5. To convert into CASH.
6. To rescue or ransom.
7. To SAVE from a state of sinfulness and its consequences.
8. To make up for
9. To restore the honor, worth, or reputation of: 

Maybe some of you here have been HOLDING ON to something; a failing marriage or a failing business, a failing heart or a failing health. Or maybe you have been praying for something for too long you are too spent to sigh another “please.” Or “Amen.” Whatever you are facing right now, brothers and sisters I encourage you to let go, to SURRENDER and to risk it all. Because it is safe to trust, it is safe to let go because we know that we are entrusting our ANYTHING to a God that is good, a God who cares and above all a GOD who LOVES us SO MUCH… and everything that He will allow together with all those that He will NOT is only because HE LOVES US. He love us so much “He did not spare His ONE AND ONLY Son, but gave Him up for us all – [THEREFORE] how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things.?” – Romans 8:32

FRIENDS, the Son paid a TERRIBLE PRICE FOR OUR FREEDOM. Let us walk in that FREEDOM Christ had died for. Let us all stop living a life of bondage. LET IT GO! LET GOD BE GOD. SURRENDER! RISK IT ALL! FOR He is worth forsaking everything. HE IS WORTH IT.

“I am God Abby, I know what I’m doing. I know this feels excruciating but 
I am about something here and I am asking you to trust the One who tells the oceans 
where to stop and the sun when to launch.”6 - God


And so I close with this verse Romans 8:28-30

“28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. 30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also GLORIFIED.”

We have hope in Him and He promised that he who hope n Him will never be disappointed AND HE WHO PROMISED IS FAITHFUL.

 Footnote 1-6  is from the book of Jennie Allen Anything”

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


I am a typical BARBIE GIRL, who wants everything in proper, particularly neat and clean. I always wanted to look beautiful, my outfit chic and stylish. I want my hair neatly tied up or delicately curled or ironed. That’s me… but who says it could stop me from climbing the mountain where they said I would be completely messed up? Yes, I am a barbie girl, but I am still ABBY BORJA, an epitome of a modern day Filipina.

It was April when I got an invite to summit Mount Pulag. I was hesitant, not because I can’t but because I was worried I’ll get really dark, but I guess I didn’t care that much so I said YES! Its summer and the darker you are, the sexier you become, so what the heck!

LIFE LESSON: Answer the call.

After I announced to the whole world that I accepted the challenge of daring to climb Mount Pulag, came the DOUBTING THOMASes. They said, I couldn't, told me it was too ambitious for a FIRST TIME climber, after all it was the THIRD HIGHEST peak in the Philippines. They advised me that I should take on the smaller mountains first. I knew where they were coming from, they were concerned but I also knew the woman whom they are talking to more than they did, she is not to be taken lightly, she is more than a conqueror, she is strong and she would set her sight on a goal and then do whatever is needed to get there. I know without a doubt that she can. So I shut my ears to all those voices telling me I cannot, that I will fail and decisively told myself to ONLY listen to that still small voice that says, “YOU CAN.”

LIFE LESSON: Anyone who thinks some thing is more than you can handle is less the kind of person that you need in your life. DO NOT LISTEN!

Being afraid is okay, but if you don't walk through that fear you might miss out on pretty great things.
You don't wanna miss this for the world!!!


Me and my cousin arrived at Pasay Victory Liner at around nine in the evening, we met the other people whom we will be climbing with, altogether we were eight in the group. We waited for 10PM bus trip to Baguio. Going up there, I didn’t feel anything at all, no excitement, no worries, no nothing… maybe because I wasn’t with the person I imagined climbing it with… he wasn’t there, he couldn’t come, and so I face the unknown, something I’ve never done before ALONE. I felt blank, “JUST DO IT and come home Abby,” I told myself.

We arrived at Baguio around four in the morning, it was cold up there, they were all excited, I guess mine just started to kick in. I wanted this trip to be worthwhile so I forced myself to forget everything in Manila. But I can’t… I just couldn’t get him out of my head. I find myself constantly thinking of him and I hate it. I really really really really really really  like him, and this feelings is taking a toll on me. I wanted to clear my mind and I needed this trip to help me do it. “He is not here for a reason. You are more than a feeling Abby.” And so I focused myself.

We arrived at DENR for an orientation around eight in the morning. All campers were all excited and each group has a name but ours, so ridiculously we called our group “SUPERFRIENDS.” What a name! Haha! We are group of strangers, the only person I know is Ate Jan, the reason why I was there, Philsen, a college friend and my cousin, everyone else was a complete stranger. But as I trekked with them, slowly but very sure became genuinely friends to me.

I met Hannah, she is a skinny tall cute girl. She is Ate Jan’s younger sister and she was actually the youngest in our group. She has braces and she loves to take photos and her shots are amazing. She is quiet but she is a smart girl. Oh well, she is currently studying in my alma mater. Sure she is!

I met Michelle, she is a single mom. She is very charming and easy to get along with. For her age, I was challenged to keep up with her phase though this was really my first climb ever. She is so nice, sharing everything she has from gummy bears, chips, socks and I will never forget the trash bags she gave me that saved me from that 2 degree Celsius night at camp 3. Her laugh is so contagious.

I met Anton, Ate Jan’s boyfriend. He is a small guy but of course cute. He is an Alabang boy who doesn’t know what “arkila” means. If you also don’t know what that means, it’s a tagalog word for RENT.

I met Carlo, I can describe him in three words, “over-the-top.” Because everything he brought with him is a little bit extravagant. From his 8-person capacity tent where we can honestly party in to his overly powered headlamp that can literally lighten the whole camp. We call him “senorito” because he barely does things himself, he always ask porters to do it for him. But the funny thing is, he was extravagant about all things but one: food. He didn’t bring food with him so he constantly waiting for leftovers. He is so cute he told us, “Atleast ako tanggap ko sarili ko.” I cried, haha!

I knew Philsen, way back from college days, he was my ex’s classmate. He is a quiet guy. I’ve learned that he is also the bread-winner and I admire him for that. He also took good care of me. He graciously left his well set-up tent when I asked him to share tent with the other guys, so I can tent there by myself. He lends me his pillow and sleeping bag even I know he also needs it. He is a fine gentleman.

Then of course Ate Jan, I knew her from our organization in college, TUGON-RESCUE, she was rich-brat kid, a bully and I thought maybe she won’t talk to me. But I was amazed when she invited me and literally talked to me. I mean, really listened to all my dramas and heart issues. She truly cares! She is like a mother-hen, making sure everyone is okay. Kept checking on us, made sure we ate. She loves taking care of people. I was wrong about this girl. Thought she was hard, heartless human being, but I was wrong. She is amazing, truly amazing!

Lastly my cousin Aja, oh well we know each other for over 20years now, we grew up together. The trip won’t be this fulfilling without sharing it with him. I love him very very much and I know he knows that. In fact, I am his most favorite cousin, ehem! Haha! I hope to share more climbs and camps with you couz!

The people that you choose to bring with you will make a great difference in your climb. Choose those people who will encourage you when you feel like giving up, who will stick with you no matter how rocky the road gets, who will continue to believe in you no matter how many times you fail. Choose those people who are genuinely happy to see you happy.

We started trekking around ten in the morning, the sun was so up but we barely feel the heat because it was still cold. Everyone else got porters (the one who carries your stuff) except me, my cousin and Philsen. I stubbornly refuse to get a porter merely because of my pride, I wanted to summit Mount Pulag without anyone lifting a finger for me, it has always been my principle. Little did I know I was setting myself up for a great disaster. So I trekked with a big bag on my back and a plastic bag on my right hand. It wasn’t easy. Quite a few minutes had passed and I was panting, barely breathing but in my head I kept telling myself, “Do not be a dead-weight!” and so I continued climbing. My heart began pounding so hard and fast I knew I needed to rest and so I called for a time out. I was exhausted and everyone immediately became aware of my struggle. My cousin whispered, “Kaya mo pa couz?” I just looked at him and nodded. Then came the follow up question, “May dala ka bang gamot?” this time I looked at Ate Jan, hoping she didn’t’ hear what my cousin said but she did. In her disbelief she asked, “May asthma ka???” I didn’t have the strength to reply but my very very good cousin confirmed that I have. I didn’t tell Ate Jan that I have asthma on a thought that she might not allow me, but I was there already and no one can stop me from rising up.

“’I needed to get there! ‘ I told myself. 
‘If I had to crawl my way up there I will but I’m not gonna give up. I will not miss it for the world. I didn’t go all the way here just to back out. I came here to win.’”

So we continued… the trail going to Camp 1 was so steep, my legs are starting to get a little shaky but my faith is solid. “Abby just keep on putting one foot forward, we will take it one step at a time okay?” I am trying to encourage myself this time because I am feeling a little discouraged already. I couldn’t breathe properly, I was carrying a big heavy bag, they said we are just 1/8 through and I asked myself how can I make it to the next 7/8 if I was this wrecked already? My heart and my mind started battling. I knew I needed to make a decision, it was a make or break for me. I stopped, so did my cousin who is in front of me, I turned around saw Philsen and the guide right behind me. Everybody went silent waiting for my next move. Teary eyed, grasping for my breath, can barely speak, I managed to let words come out from my dry mouth, I asked our guide, “Ku-ya-can-I-still-get-a-por-ter from here? Can?” and he said, “CAN!” He pointed his chest and he smiled at me. My heart skipped and a tear fell because I know a guide couldn’t or shouldn’t supposed to carry stuff but he understand that his “Yes” is a miracle I desperately needed that time. It was indeed a make or break because had he said NO, I would never turn my back again and I will head straight back home. So I handed him my bag and the plastic bag from my right hand, Kuya Joey graciously received the baggage I have been carrying and he was happy to see me relieved. We continued trekking, without those baggages, I can easily hop, run, climb and groove my way to the top. There is indeed so much wisdom in letting go.

LIFE LESSON: Life is like an uphill climb, you gotta let go of the baggage that is slowing you down. Maybe those baggages are people who keep on pulling you down or maybe a past or a habit or an attitude that you know you have to let go. Don’t be afraid to lose them. Don’t be afraid to surrender it all to God. He cares and He understands. And just like my guide who graciously received my entire burden God is also willing to do it for you, if and only you are willing to let it go.

Eventually, we reached Camp 1 and for me it feels like an achievement. We rested for a while and immediately headed to Camp 2, the trail is called Mossy Forest or Rainforest. It was mostly a gradual walk unlike the steep trail to Camp 1. It was so cool walking under those big trees covered by mosses. While walking to Camp 2, I noticed that the trail remains constant per camp. While it seems like everything looks the same, I know for a fact that is was never the same tree and it was never the same rock, I am pretty sure I was going somewhere but then I realized how often we, let trials and circumstances we face today dictate our tomorrows. How easily we give up thinking, “It’s the same! I’ve been here over and over again! It’s the same shit! I’m done! I am not getting anywhere!” But no! Just like the trail in each camp, it may seem like it’s all the same: same trees, same rock, same road but it’s not. You will get to your destination as long as you keep on putting one foot forward. It doesn’t matter if for you nothing is happening and nothing is changing because I can absolutely say that there is NEVER NOTHING GOING ON you just need to keep on moving on and pressing on and sooner than you know, YOU HAVE ARRIVED.

And YES, true enough we have arrived at Camp 2, we had our quick lunch and immediately made our way to Saddle Camp or Camp 3. The trail to camp 3 was mostly a walk in the park. It is grasslands and it’s scenic. It took us only an hour and a half hour to reach Saddle Camp. We were fast the guide told us. So we pitched the tent, four in total. As the sun goes down so is the temperature. It dropped from 9 degree Celsius to 7 degree and to 6. I started to get anxious, it was just six in the evening and the temperature is this cold what more during midnight. We ate dinner and socialized. We had really good chats despite the temperature. We were laughing most of the time because most of us is farting endlessly. But the temperature continues to drop and so we got in to our tents and turned off all the lights. I was the first one to fell asleep, but the coldness woke me up and to my disbelief it was just nine in the evening, I tried hard to put myself back to sleep again but after a few minutes I woke up again, checked what time it is and it is just eleven in the evening. I was already furious this time! It was so cold, I had three clothes on me already, three beanies, two scarves, three warmers, socks, trash bag, sleeping bag and a comforter wrapped around me and I am still cold. My both legs were aching terribly and my head too. My back and my neck were in pain because of the uneven ground. I was helpless and this time I told myself I’m done!

“Why did I come up here? My Gosh!!! What was I thinking? 
I have a good bed in my place God. I can’t believe I came up here only to suffer! 
I don’t need to experience this. Oh God, PLEASE TAKE ME HOME!!!”

And God said, “Child, My grace is sufficient for you.”

I was going crazy! I was already cursing! I begged God, “If you are not taking me home now, God please just make me fall asleep, please I begged you, please keep me warm!” As soon as I prayed that prayer I was knocked out and the next thing I know it was four thirty in the morning. I got up immediately, put on my shoes, get my flashlight and headed my way to the summit. I didn’t even dare waited for anyone to come up with me. Honestly, though none go with me I will still go. I wouldn’t miss it for the world! It was too cold, it was too dark, it was too steep, it was too hard but isn’t it true that the closer we get to our dream the harder it gets?

“’I needed to get there before the sun comes up,’ I told myself. ‘ I didn’t experience all those physical discomfort and emotional pain and struggle and what have you only to miss out what we all came here for. I needed to get there!!! Oh God please help me!’”

I started to sob! I was afraid to miss it and so I climbed harder, faster. I am losing my breath.

 “Cmon Abby! You can do it! Almost there honey! Keep pushing! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!”

Halfway through I was already crying, I can almost see the horizon turning yellow and I pleaded God.

“Oh please God, delay it. Please please let me come up first. Please God, please, please.”

I was panting, my mouth was already dry, my face is hurting, I got wind burn. I realized I didn’t bring any scarf with me. I was chilling, panting, hurting, and crying but I DON’T CARE!!! And so I continued to climb and to my eased I HAVE ARRIVED!!! I SUMMITTED THE THRID HIGHEST PEAK OF THE PHILIPPINES!!! I couldn’t believe it! I was the first to have reached the top. IT WAS SURREAL! It was beautiful, it was indeed heaven on earth. IT WAS ALL WORTH IT!!!

“God, I know You were thinking of me when you created this. 
You knew on May 16, 2015 your daughter will be here and so you made it EXTRA BEAUTIFUL for me. Thank You Father for Your wonderful creation.”

The GREATEST reward comes from doing things that scare you the most.

LIFE LESSON: The closer you get to your dream, the harder it gets, DO NOT GIVE UP!

As we make our way back to the ranger I’ve realized that life is like a CLIMB, sometimes you get ahead of the others, sometimes you are at far end but it just doesn’t matter. It’s not about how fast you can get there, it’s really not about what is waiting on the other side, not even the sunrise or the summit, it’s the CLIMB. It’s not the destination; IT’S THE JOURNEY that truly gives us the joy of life.

And when we have arrived, let us not forget to encourage those who haven’t. Because just like what I used to say. 

 “This CLIMB (LIFE) is meaningless if it did not alter somebody else’s. All these achievements and awards (SUMMIT) are nothing if it won’t benefit other people. We are blessed only so we can be a blessing” – Abby Borja

As I come home, I become extra grateful. For an hour I was just lying there, thanking God for my comfortable bed, for my soft pillows, for the warm water that runs from my faucet, for the food in my fridge, for the warm weather here in Manila and I promised never ever to complain again.

MAY 16, 2015, I summited the Philippines' Third Highest Peak, Mount Pulag.

God has given you every resources you need to make it happen, you just have to trust that everything will work out for your good.
If you get tired, you can take a rest but DON'T EVER GIVE UP.
If you think you are getting nowhere, you are wrong. All you have to do is to keep putting one foot forward.


This is Kuya Joey, our guide, if not for him I wouldn't have made it. Thank you Kuya!

This was me, SOOOOO COOOOOOOLLLDDDDD! Brrrrr....
There will be circumstances that will try to break you. The weather up there was so cold I asked God to call it quits but God said, "My Child my grace is sufficient for you."

Because of you Mount Kalbo I am a better person now, truly grateful for whatever I have. Thank you for giving me a different perspective. I WAS FOREVER CHANGED BY YOU.

It's never the person that makes the climb, it's always the CLIMB THAT MAKES THE PERSON.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Abby Wake Up - God

It’s the 7th of April, 5 in the morning and I am up. This morning I woke up banging my head on the wall, I sneezed so hard my head hit the wall, it hurts but it’s okay. For so many ways this morning God have been graciously trying to wake me up but I was hesitant. While sleeping, I remember I was cold, so I woke up to pull the blankets on me and then after sometime it’s hot and I was sweating so I had to get up to face the fan towards me, the next thing I know I was sneezing because again I was cold. I sneezed for so many times but every time I was able to put myself in sleep again. I love sleep so much that I am having a hard time getting up but this time God was determined. Facing the same direction, He made me sneezed just one last time and BANG! My head hit the wall and I was wide awake, LOL. I knew God was waking me up, and He made sure this time I would stay awake. It’s like I can almost hear Him telling me, 

“Abby! Abby! Wake up! I have a surprise for you.”

Instantly, I have reached for my phone expectantly checking, wishing and praying for a txt message. God knows how I have been waiting for that reply zealously since yesterday and this morning I got it. Sent 2 in the morning, I opened, scanned and my heart started to skip. It was long, actually 3 pages long.

While reading her message I can almost feel her. Her long-emotion filled messages were so familiar to me, I ache but at the same time becomes very excited! I ache because I wasn't with her, I wished I was there comforting her right now, speaking words of encouragement but God said “IT’S OKAY.” Because I know for sure that I will be able to comfort her soon. I became excited at the same time; because for weeks, that girl has been wandering on my mind and now I am amazed how she finds her way to my heart. I knew God wanted us to share something more than just the dance floor, where we dance in an annual battle I am heading. I knew since day 1 that this girl would become a special part of my life one day and this time right now, she is starting to occupy a special place in my heart…

These past few days, I have been ruthlessly and fervently asking God that if He wants to use me, truly wants to use me I asked Him to open doors and give me an opportunity to be able to enter in and I am amazed how He answered in the most unimaginable ways.

Yesterday, I received an sms, it was from her and right there I knew God is already at work. She happened to know this person I get to talk in facebook because of Dance4Life, and she was so excited to tell me that they met and that he is real. Our conversation went on and she started opening up. My heart breaks for her as I know the struggle of being where I used to be: LACK. I understand because for almost 20 years of my life I have been where she is right now and I wanted to her to know that there is hope. While all she knows is that she needed a job this summer to earn money so she can continue her studies next school year I know a better solution, in fact the ULTIMATE solution to all her problems and that is JESUS. This girl needed Jesus Christ so much I couldn't delay my invitation one more day and so I sent my long overdue message I so wanted to send her very long time ago. “Today, I would no longer let fear of rejection and persecution hinder me from sharing His love to this hurting world. Today, I will make a stand to share Him fearlessly and relentlessly to every person He puts in front of me.” And today it’s Che-che. And to my surprise she said yes to me, she said “Thank you po Ate Abby. Sige po maghahanap na po ako ng pamasahe.” And right there how I long for a car, how I wish I have a car so I could just pick her up so she doesn’t have to worry about her fare but God said, “IT IS OKAY.”so if it okay to God then it is okay for me. So I waited for her reply as I confirmed to meet in Mall of Asia, the next day. And it was today. Last night I was anxiously waiting for her reply, so I sent her again another message reminding her of our meeting tomorrow but again I got no response and so I went to bed full of hope that tomorrow when I wake up I would have her reply.

AND this morning I got it. The text said she couldn't come and my heart fall to pieces. I was upset and frustrated, she couldn't come because she only have 50.00 and it is not enough to bring herself to MOA and I ache. I ache because while I thoughtlessly spends thousands of pesos in shopping and unnecessary purchases, this girl couldn't make her way to the mall because she just doesn't have enough money. While all along thinking to bless this girl because I have enough money, she ends up blessing me instead of valuable priceless lessons and I know I will never be the same Abby again.

But I will not let the enemy win, we have to meet, I have to meet her and so I knelt down, prayed to God who can meet every need I have, the God who can encourage when my word seems so insufficient to lift her up. In my exasperation I cried out, “God if you want her to know You, bring her to MOA.” For once it seems like I’m lost in words, so for minutes I have been repeating that sentence over and over again almost begging God to do a miracle for me and Che-che. 

Walk by faith, not by sight.

I know I can just easily offer that I will just go to her house and pick her up and together we can go to MOA but I can sense that God wants something here. He wants Che-che to start trusting Him and He is starting to reveal Himself to her and so I wait patiently for Him and I remember the story of the bible of a widow whom the prophet Elijah encountered in Zarepath.

“I don’t have any bread – only a handful of flour in a jar and a little oil in a jug. I am gathering a few sticks to take home and make a meal for myself and my son that we may eat it – and die.” (1 Kings 17:12) and this is all she got atleast for what she knew. Just like Che-che who has only 50.00 thinking that this is all she got but the prophet Elijah knows more and I too know more…

"And Elijah says to her, 'Don’t be afraid. Go home and do as you have said. But first make a small cake of bread for me from yourself and your son. For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the Lord sends rain on the land.' so she went and she did exactly what he said." (1 Kings 17:13,14)

I wanted Che-che to know this kind of trust and I want to know it too...

The story continues “So there was food everyday for Elijah and for the woman and her family. For the jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did not run dry.” ( 1 Kings 17:15-16)

Just like what the prophet Elijah asked the widow, I asked put her everything in the hands of an infinite God who loves and cares for her so much because I know that everything we put in God's hands always MULTIPLIES. And so to her I sent words of encouragement and affirmation of God’s love for her,

I told her

"IT IS OKAY because God said IT IS OKAY. 
I told her that she has 50.00 pesos and IT IS OKAY because half of the world's population today is dying because of starvation;
IT IS OKAY because she has HOME because 1/3 of the world's population is out there lying on the street's floor sleeping in the cold of night;
IT IS OKAY because she is HEALTHY, because today billions of people lay in bed sick.
IT IS OKAY because she has family, both parents because some children are without a mother or a father and for some both.
IT IS OKAY because that 50.00 pesos, that home, that health, those parents she has is something maybe 90% of the world's population aches and prays to have."

And I want her to know how blessed she is in so many ways. But I also want her to know that in her lack and inability, God's power is made perfect. Because truly if we have it altogether why would we need a God? If we never know lack, then how can we know that He is a God who Provides? If we never felt loneliness, how then can we know the warmth of His great love for us? If we never know pain, how then can we know the fullness of His joy?

We lack, we are in pain, we are unable only because God wants to be God to us. Our brokenness, imperfections, powerlessness make us hungry for the care and love of an infinite God: Who is ABLE when we are not. Who is STRONG when we are weak. Who is BIG when we are small. so I sent her this last message…

It's okay to TRUST God with our everything.

I know deep in my heart that I will soon meet Che-Che. I would be able to care for her just like how God wants me to care for her. I will tell her how much love and longing her Maker has for her. While I am not sure if I’m going see her later today, my heart is fully persuaded that one day we will and she will know God like I have known Him. She will fell in love to this God who has always been thinking of her since the creation of this world and I want her to know and feel that she is love, ALWAYS.

Friday, April 3, 2015


Tonight, God gently spoke to me. He said, “I miss you child, can we have a short chat?” and because my heart is filled with thanksgiving for all the wonderful things He has been faithfully blessing me with, I beamed at Him and said, “Of course God.”

So I opened my pink book and I was taken aback when I saw there that, four full days had passed and I didn’t get to do my devotion and my heart aches and I started to tear. It aches because I realized that while I was so unfaithful with the simple little things God asked of me, He remains constant and faithful in delivering all the BIG THINGS I have ruthlessly asked Him for during our fasting week two weeks ago (which I have been also unfaithful.) I tear because God’s love for me remains true, unchanging, unwavering no matter what I have become.

Tonight, I read the Book of John where Jesus was sentenced to be crucified. I may say that I have read this chapter for so many times already but every time I would read it, I will always get too overwhelmed by the weight of the crucifixion. It is difficult to let my imagination follow that story – the betrayal, the trials, the denial, the flogging, the mockery, the agony of death and the grief of those who loved Jesus.

And while I tear as I read through those heavy passages tonight, God gently spoke and asked,

“Abby My child, would you allow Me to take you there?”

and I struggled. It’s obscene, it is ugly and the Cross is an offense and I don’t want to see because I know and I know, At The Cross, I will see the consequences of ALL my sins, it is grotesque, it is scandalous, it is ugly, but I also know that it is an ugliness I needed to see and so I trusted God and gave Him my hard “YES.”

At the Foot of the Cross

Standing there at the foot of the cross I saw myself weeping, gazing at my beautiful Saviour: the Ruler and Creator of all deemed guilty by those He created – guilty of sins that were never His. And then God took me few more hours back and brought me to the place where Pilate took Jesus and had Him flogged. It was gruesome, it’s horrifying, it’s inhumane and I shut my eyes to the TRUTH, I couldn't look! The whipping was without mercy. Those stripes were real it almost feels. I wanted it all to end, I want out, I couldn't take it anymore and then Pilate took Jesus out. To His people He said “Here’s your king.” but everyone shouted, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” And in a flash I heard a girl’s voice shouting vigorously...


Her voice was so familiar to me that even the crowd was deafening I can vividly hear her voice. My heart started to beat faster and faster. “I know that voice.” I told myself and I looked around trying to find who that girl was and I couldn't believe what I saw… it was I, the girl was me and I saw Jesus looks at me. This is hard to swallow and I asked myself, “How can this be?” and I wept bitterly while they dragged My King to carry the cross that was never His to carry but mine. I ran toward Him: beaten and wounded and with every gut left in me I plead...

"You don't have to do this, please... I am so sorry!"

and My King replied...

"It's OKAY Abby, it's okay... because I'm doing this for you."

and He went on taking with Him not just the cross but also my wrecked, lamenting broken heart and I followed. Helpless before my King I watched him suffer, bearing all my sins and enduring everything I deserved: the persecution, the mocking, the spitting, the nailing, and the abandoning.

At the foot of the cross where Jesus was hanging. I was devastated, I hated myself. I started to beat myself up, calling myself names of shame and regrets and then I heard Jesus gently spoke…  

“Father, forgive [Abby}, for [she]  do not know what [she’s] doing.” 
(Luke 23:34) My own version

and then Jesus looked me in the eyes... 

“Woman behold your [daughters]… (I looked around and saw my disciples beside me.) and to my disciples He said, “Behold your mother.” 
(John 19:26-27) My own version

Even in His moment of greatest suffering, Jesus is still shepherding.
He bore all my ugliness; He did so because He loves me and He died for me; a sinner, a leper at His feet, a plank-eyed saint and a heart divided because He is good and His love endures forever.
And there I saw Jesus bowed His head and gave up His spirit after He has spoken,


And right there and there I knew I was loved and that all my sins were forgiven but the best part of it all is when God sealed our conversation with a gentle reminder,

“[Abby] My Child, if anyone is in Christ, [s]he is a new creation. 
The old [Abby] has passed away, behold, the new [Abby] has come.” 
2 Corinthians 5:17 My own Version

I have received the most STUNNING GIFT one could ever have: 


Sharing you this song that ministered to me while writing this blog:
I hope you get blessed as much as it did with me.


I'm forgiven cause You were forsaken
I'm accepted, You were condemned
I am alive and well, Your spirit is within me
'Cause You died and rose again

Amazing love, how can it be?
That You, my King would die for me?
Amazing love, I know its true
It's my joy to honor You
In all I do, I honor You