Saturday, May 28, 2016

Jesus Is Best Known In SUFFERING

Everytime I want to get mad at God because of suffering, He shows me Jesus. And it is true, I have known Jesus most deeply in suffering. He seems to inhabit suffering and He endured it too. He is not a God unfamiliar with suffering and He is near our broken hearts.

When you don’t have anything or anyone else on earth all of a sudden God starts looking good but when everything is right and everything works - let’s be honest we don’t long for heaven or for God. We just don’t. We live differently when we are crushed. Arrogance is born when there is no crushing. We need to want Jesus.1

HARD EUCHARISTEO. When even as simple and petty and mundane as breathing you have to ask from the Lord then everything else becomes a gift: the air that you breathe in, the next seconds you are still alive, the morning you wake up to and yes even the heart that is failing you.

Have you ever wondered why God had to wrestle with Jacob? (Genesis 32:22)

Jacob was left alone when God met him, and when we’re alone and at the end of our resources, then God can come to us and do something in us and for us. When we are alone we can’t escape into other people’s hearts and minds and be distracted. The moment we are alone we have to live with ourselves and face ourselves.

God meets us at whatever level He finds us in order to lift us to where He wants us to be. To Abraham the pilgrim (Genesis 18), God came as a traveler and to Joshua the general, He came as a soldier (Joshua 5:13-15). Jacob had spent most of his adult life wrestling with people – Esau, Isaac, Laban and even his wives – so God came to him as a wrestler.2

And what what was the significance of God’s touching Jacob upon the sinew of his thigh?

The sinew in the thigh is the strongest in the human body. A horse can’t even tear it apart. The Lord has to break us down at the strongest part of our self-life before He can do His own way of blessing us.

TEAR THE THIGH TO OPEN THE EYE. Wells don’t come without first begging to see the wells, wells don’t come without first splitting open hard earth, cracking back the lids. There is no seeing God face to face without first ripping.3

And it was true. In suffering I get to know more of God. In pain I get to want Him more. And in weakness I get to experience His grace all the more.

In sickness, I get to experience that He is the God who heals.
In sorrow, I get to experience that He is the God who comforts.
In sadness, I get to experience that He is the God who gives joy.
In hunger, I get to experience that He is the God who satisfies.
In need, I get to experience that He is the God who provides.
In uncertainties, I get to experience that He is the God who remains constant and sure. 
And the list can go on… If all is well, how can we therefore want Jesus?


In this brokenness and struggle, God opened my eye and I saw.

-             -  A used to be reckless naive mom into seeing a delicately loving mom who is dearly worried, couldn’t sleep at night, got up and went to the neighbors just to borrow a nebulizer. God opened my eye and I saw, I am safe.
-            -   A used to be willful and contentious disciple into seeing a generous selfless disciple who made her way to visit me and cared for me unreservedly. God opened my eye and I saw, I am grateful.
-            -  A used to be indifferent and insensitive bestfriend into seeing concerned bestfriend, who constantly checks on me, telling me that a smile emoticon from me is a relieved. God opened my eye and I saw, I am cared for.
-           -    A used to be sluggish careless annoying 7-yr old niece into seeing a diligent, sincere, gentle niece who served me and do whatever I asked her to do. God opened my eye and I saw, I am esteemed.
-            -   A used to be tough and critical discplier into a sweet, soft and truly concerned who took the time to get her phoned load up so she can rebuke me lovingly and prayed for me relentlessly. God opened my eye and I saw, I am treasured.

And while I sit in my desert of failing heart, crushed dreams and broken relationships I pray in confidence that even in the midst of all these my God is here, He has a plan and He has never forgotten me nor He has forsaken me. And that promise is also true for you. I don’t know what is your desert now but you can trust God to fill and penetrate the cracked and dry places of your life and let His grace and mercy soak and satisfy your soul.

How quick we are to cry out for help for the body when perhaps our greatest needs are in the inner person. It’s when we are weak that we are strong and when we’re totally dependent on the Lord, we’re the safest.

“Consider it pure joy, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

And right here in spite of pain, weakness and struggle, I can lift up my hands and worship and praise and give thanks. Because in every season He is a constant God: good, loving and above all faithful and we have a reason to sing and we have a reason to worship.


Verse 1:
This is my prayer in the desert
When all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in my hunger and need
My God is the God who provides

Verse 2:
And this is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved
Of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flames

And I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon formed against me shall remain

I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and He is here

Verse 3:
And this is my prayer in the battle
When triumph is still on it's way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I'll stand

All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship

Verse 4:
This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be emptied again
The seed I've recieved I will sow

1. Jennie Allen, Restless: Because You Were Made for More
2. The Wiersbe Bible Commentary
3. Ann Voskamp, 1000gifts

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


NOSTALGIA. This place gave me so much to remember. It was in year 2010 when I first set foot on this serene , beautiful humble resort. Definitely not much yet to do but the place absolutely enraptured the extrovert in me. I knew back then that this place will be something I will look forward coming back to.
The phone rings. "HELLO."
"Hey Abby, we would like to get you as our host for an ALL WHITE PARTY at Matabungkay Beach Hotel."
Wow! Just wow! Matabungkay Beach Hotel is famed to be an exorbitant Beach Resort located in Lian, Batangas and I get to stay there for three full days for free and the best part of it all is that I'll get paid to host a party. It's an absolute workation! [the word people use when they get to travel for vacation and work at the same time.]
Fourth of December 2015 when I was reunited with the piece of my heart I left  five years ago in Matabungkay Beach Hotel and once I arrived I felt like I always belonged. I felt home, the place is haven, my heart found it and I can say it's finally whole again.
Sparkling, glimmering decors and glass balls hang around the front porch wreathed in glittery white with it's warm earth toned perfectly framed furnitures. At the counter are crews wearing the kindest smiles, in their cute uniforms devotedly serving and leading guests. I sniffed the breeze as it tossed my hair from my face and walk down the serene dimmed hallway. My room was regal, it's anything but basic, they called it, 'LIAN SUITE.' I threw myself on bed and stared at the flawlessly laid out interior, it is simple, neat and sophisticated. I thought of how it feels to have a room like this back in Manila or maybe just maybe have to chance to never have to leave Matabungkay Beach Hotel again. 



It was four in the afternoon, perfect time for a quick dip on the pool. They are now two, the lonely kiddie pool before has now it's big sister. They are both beautiful, certainly for family, friends, couples and yes even for flying solo too.  Thanks to the propinquity of an especially picturesque beach, maybe the water is not too blue, not too majestic and the sands are not too white, not too fine but just right for a weary soul who wants to find peace and tranquility. 
Matabungkay Beach Resort MAIN POOL

It's newly and highly improved and innovated facilities: activity centers, conference and seminar rooms make Matabungkay Beach Hotel the ultimate place for whatever purposes. Whether it be for company team building (which was the first reason why I was in Matabungkay Beach Hotel five years ago), product launching, debut, wedding, family getaway or even a quick escape for an anxious spirit, this is the best 3-hour drive haven for you. 

So yes, Gravitas Events Management found it's perfect place to hold the ALL WHITE PARTY (please like their FB page: Gravitas Events Management) with guest DJs: Jennifer Lee and Khai hosted by yours truly, Abby Borja (please follow me in Instagram and in Twitter: @abbyborja07 and in FB: Abby Borja
DJ Jennifer Lee and Host Abby Borja

The All White Party was Gravitas Events Management's debut event in Partnership with Matabungkay Beach Hotel and sponsored by, DJ Pioneer DJ, Ground Zero Lights and Sounds. Cold Collection opened the event with their rendition of pop songs, they are local band singer from Batangas. Bloggers from around the Metro gathered to party with us, locals and many foreigner guests joined us too. It was a success, infact one of the foreigner told me:
"How come it's just now that Matabungkay Beach Hotel hold this kind of epic party? By the way, great job hosting. Your job wasn't easy!"

I was thrilled and truly overwhelmed. Sooner or later, Matabungkay Beach Hotel will be The Boracay of the Metro wherein you don't need to spend thousands and thousands of pesos for air fare and hotel accommodation just to party by the beach! So the next time Matabungkay Beach Hotel present a party be sure to be there! It's fun, it's epic because it's MATABUNGKAY BEACH HOTEL AND RESORT.